CommonLit School Essentials PRO gives teachers and administrators performance, usage, and growth data access for all students
At CommonLit, we’ve created a comprehensive and engaging literacy program with over 3,000 high-quality lessons that has been proven to help students make significant gains in reading.
For SY 23–24, our team is excited to offer School Essentials PRO, a comprehensive package for just $3,850 per school that is designed to help schools roll out CommonLit’s full ELA program and empower administrators by giving them data to accurately identify instructional priorities and measure student growth.
In this blog post, we’ll explain how School Essentials PRO makes it easy to track student growth!
Administrator Access to CommonLit Assessment Series Data
The CommonLit Assessment Series is available for grades 3–12. The Assessment Series includes three specialized ELA benchmark assessments: a Pre-Assessment, Mid-Year Assessment, and a Post-Assessment. Each assessment has three grade-level reading passages and 20+ multiple choice questions.
When schools or districts purchase CommonLit School Essentials PRO, these growth assessments are unlocked for their team and administrators have the ability to view data from across their school or district.
To start the year, the CommonLit team strongly recommends that schools utilize the Pre-Assessment. This Pre-Assessment will allow you to see how your students performed compared to their peers nationally. You’ll also be able to quickly and reliably identify students who are reading far below grade level and may be in need of literacy intervention or additional support.
The second assessment that schools can use is CommonLit’s Mid-Year Assessment. This interim assessment is great for determining whether students are making meaningful reading growth. Administrators will also receive detailed standards-based reports. These reports will make it easy for administrators to identify school-wide trends and make informed instructional decisions.
The final assessment, CommonLit’s Post-Assessment, should be administered in the final few months of the school year. This assessment can serve a few purposes. First, administrators will receive digital reports on how much reading growth each student made between the Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment. Similarly, administrators will see how much reading growth has been made by class, teacher, and throughout the school or district. Finally, since all of CommonLit’s benchmark assessments include rigorous standards-aligned questions, it can be used as a practice test for students who are getting ready to take their statewide assessment.
Administrator Access to Data from CommonLit’s 3,000+ Lessons
With CommonLit School Essentials PRO, administrators can also track data from all formative lessons assigned by their teachers on CommonLit, including library lessons. Each of these lessons include rigorous standards-aligned text-dependent questions.
First, administrators can track performance by class with CommonLit’s data dashboards. These dashboards are great for identifying which students are excelling and which are missing assignments or performing poorly and in need of reading intervention.

Next, administrators can track class data by standard and easily see which standards students are mastering and which they’re struggling on.

Leaders can also access detailed reports for specific students. These can be particularly useful when supporting struggling students or students with IEPs who are working on specific skills.

Finally, administrators can see which lessons are being used frequently across their school or district and how students are performing on these lessons. This data is crucial for administrators in districts where CommonLit is a key component of their team’s curriculum or assessment plan.
Administrators can use this data to inform school and district-wide teaching strategies, help teachers with professional development, and improve student outcomes.
Check out this blog post to learn more about some of our favorite strategies for embedding CommonLit’s lessons into your curriculum to support data-driven instruction.

Next Steps
Interested in getting school- or district-wide data? We have affordable support packages to track student reading growth and train teachers on implementing data-driven instruction.