CommonLit 360
Breaking News: Student Gains on Statewide English Language Arts Assessments Seen Year After Year for CommonLit 360 TN School District
This just in: Blount County, TN saw incredible gains in their state English Language Arts Assessment scores.
CommonLit is proud to share the English Language Arts Assessment result in a district that began implementing CommonLit 360 in 2019. Most recent scores from the 2022-2023 school year show 60% of Blount County 10th grade students met the benchmark for “meeting or exceeding expectations,” while at the state level, only 49.1% of 10th graders are meeting this standard. This upward trend is part of a steady increase since the school district adopted CL360 as its core ELA curriculum.
Citing rising achievement levels, Blount County Schools continues their use of the CommonLit 360 curriculum in their English I and II classes. Check out this report about Blount County Schools’ experience with the CommonLit 360 curriculum.
How did student performance change across the years as Blount implemented CommonLit 360?
Since 2019, when Blount first began implementing CommonLit 360 as the district’s formal full-year ELA curriculum, the percentage of 10th grade students who meet or exceed grade-level expectations (On Track or Mastery) has continued to increase.
In 2019, only 41% of the Blount County School tenth graders met or exceeded grade-level expectations. By 2023, 60% met or exceeded grade-level expectations. Blount County Schools 10th graders scored 10.6 points above the state achievement level of 49.1% students meeting or exceeding grade level expectations (On Track or Mastery).
Here is a breakdown of the district’s English Language Arts scores since 2019:

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